Sunday, September 7, 2008

NCC Training Programme on 10 / 09 / 2008

hi guys (: this is the first time i post on the NCC blog wors .

so listen n look closely at what i am going to say as it concerns you upcoming training .

For the training on the coming wednesday which is 10 / 09 / 2008 , all the cadets are to report in their Full-Uniform (Smart-Fold) and report for training at 2.30pm sharp in the parade square.

Please do not be late & those who are late must give a valid reason. Also, please bring along your writing materials such as your pencil case and foolscap papers. Please spread this message to all NCC
cadets and make sure those who always don’t come down for training come down as this is an important training, for those who are not here,
we will contact them why they do not want to come. Lastly, prepare well for your test and good luck. Hahha . I don wan to see any failures wors ^^

Sorry guys , a little add in to my post . for part B cadets only please bring 10 dollars nxt training for your spaecialsts course book . it is very useful for ur coming specialists course .

If you have any qns on the upcoming test , add me in my msn and ask me or you can ask me in person . thank you .

Updated by SSG kailer

Thursday, September 4, 2008

ok time for my update. ha!
ok, as part a and part b knows, there will be a test on NCC Pledge and the NCC Core Values and their meaning.
For part b is test is somewhat crucial for yr Part B Proficiency badge. If fail, you will have a lower chance for getting yr badge. For Part A,
even though this test will not affect any badge or anything at the moment, this test will show yr knowledge and get you ready for yr turn when you have the chance to go for the Part B Pro badge. Good luck to you guys and there will be training on next Wed which is 10th September 2008.
Most probably attire would be full-u but this has not been decided by the Part C yet. Most probably i will update you guys on Mon.
As for the Hierachy system, i have updated it. So take a look see.

Updated by 3Sgt Wafir