Thursday, February 26, 2009

There is training tommorow,attire for Part B,C,D is full u smart fold with badges,attire for Part A is pt kit,Freestyle cadets please remember to bring your pe t-shirt,black polo tee is also acceptable.Make sure you guys iron your uniform to tip top condition and polish your boots.Fall in at the parade square by 2.45 pm SHARP.Remember to bring your water bottle,spread to other cadets and do NOT be late,i do not want to repeat this,punctuality is something we must uphold and if u cannot make it,give a valid reason because this training is important so everyone must come.

LCP Nasir

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Here is the Routine Order for tommorow's training,the attire for Freestyle Cadets is half u,for the rest is pt kit with green socks,remember to bring your water bottles,spread to other cadets and fall in at the parade square by 2.45pm SHARP.Do NOT be late and if you cannot come please provide a valid reason.

LCP Nasir

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Greetings once again,this Friday there is training,attire for Part B,C,D is full smart fold with badges and please remember to polish your boots up to standard.Attire for Part A is pt kit.Please bring along your water bottles and fall in at the parade square by 2.30pm sharp and i mean SHARP.Attendance is COMPULSORY as we are training our footdrills as we are the Guard of Honour(GoH) for this year's National Day Parade.Please spread to other cadets and those who cannot make it,make sure you have valid reasons.

LCP Nasir

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

There is training tommorow,attire for Part A,B,C,D is pt kit with green socks.Please make sure to bring your water bottles along and fall in at the parade square by 2.45pm sharp.Do NOT be late,spread to other cadets and those who cannot make it,please ensure you have valid reasons,or else..

LCP Nasir

Thursday, February 12, 2009

There will be training tommorow as per normal,attire for Part B,C,D is full u smart fold without badges,for Part A attire is pt kit.For Part C & D's who want to play soccer,please bring along your pt kit and to everyone,please remember to bring your water bottle.Fall in at the parade square by 2.30pm sharp.Do not be late and spread to all other cadets.Cheers!

LCP Nasir

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Tommorow,there is training as per usual.The attire is pt kit with green socks.Please bring your water bottle along and fall in at the parade square by 2.45pm sharp.Please spread to other cadets and do NOT be late.

LCP Nasir

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Greetings to my fellow cadets,
this Friday training is as per usual,for Part B's,C's,D's attire is full u smart fold and for my dearest Part A's attire is pt kit(pe t-shirt and shorts).Please do remember to bring along your water bottles.Fall in at the parade square by 2.30pm.Please spread to other cadets.

LCP Nasir

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

ok, since Nasir havent update, i'll update.
Tomorrow will be as usual. Physical Training.
That means PT attire with green socks.
All of cadets have to bring water bottle.
fall in by 2.45pm outside the DNT block.
Please spread the msg to all cadets, even the new Part A cadets.
(if you have some of their no.s)

Updated by: 1st Wafir